Melasma: What is it and What are the Causes and What can be Done?

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If you have ever suffered from any kind of skin complaint, then you will know exactly how much it can affect you both physically and mentally. Many people suffer with skin disorders and suffer in silence, but they needn’t. Today’s article will look into Melasma, what it is, what causes it and what can be done about it.

What is Melasma?

Melasma is a brown discoloration on the face and neck that is symmetrical and spotty (it can sometimes be found on the chest and arms). It is more common in women and persons with darker skin tones, and it can be passed down through generations making it a very common genetic condition.

Melasma often (but not always!) shows in symmetrical patterns, unlike chronic hyperpigmentation caused by the harsh Australian and New Zealand sun, which appears as random spots or freckles. Melasma hyperpigmentation most usually appears in the middle of the face, on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, nose, and chin. Dark melasma pigment can also be found on the jawline and neck, especially as people get older.

If you have melasma pigmentation, you know how aggravating and mentally draining it can be. Melasma treatment can be difficult and costly, as melasma frequently recurs after fading treatments, even with careful sun protection. Melasma is classified as a chronic skin illness and because of this, there is currently no cure. Over the counter Melasma skin care products are often not very effective, and melasma lasers or chemical peels are an expensive approach to erase melasma hyperpigmentation on a regular basis.

The causes

The specific cause of melasma remains unknown, although, the main triggering and exacerbating variables, however, are UV radiation from sunshine and blue light from the sun’s visible rays. Melasma is one of the most frequent skin problems that is treated in Australia due to the sun-loving culture, some people chose to work from home as it lessens the risks of going outside.

Hormones also play a large role as well. Melasma is sometimes referred to as the “pregnancy mask” since it frequently appears during pregnancy. Other factors include oral contraceptives and hormone replacement treatment.

What can be done?

Fortunately, there are some extremely specialised teams of experts available to you, a quick internet search will help you find a suitable team near you. They understand the effects that skin disorders have on people and as such take the utmost of care when speaking and helping you to deal with the effects of your condition.

Sometimes the best care comes from those that have compassion, understanding, empathy and a real understanding of what you are going through, as such these specialist teams will get to know you and your lifestyle so that they can properly advise you on the best course of treatment. They will give you professional advice like the information found here, they will advise you on what you can do to help reduce the chances of flair ups and future bouts of aggravation, all from a place of care and love.

Finally, they will help you to put together the treatment plan that best suits your needs, the doctors on hand are specialists in the area of skin complaints and will help you with the most professional care.

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