How to Choose a Travel Blogging Niche

how to choose a travel niche for blogging

Travel blogging has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, with countless individuals sharing their adventures and tips online. As the travel blogging community continues to grow, it’s crucial to differentiate yourself and establish a unique identity.

One effective way to stand out is by choosing a specific travel niche. But sometimes knowing what your niche is, or how to even find your niche can be challenging, to say the least.

This guide is designed to help you find your travel blogging niche and build a good audience for your niche travel interests. You’ll also need to know how to research your niche.

By the end, you will have the knowledge and tools to choose the perfect niche for your travel blog and begin your journey towards becoming a recognized authority in the industry.

The Significance of Choosing a Travel Niche

With a ton of travel blogs saturating the online world, focusing on a travel niche allows you to carve out your own distinct space. By targeting a specific audience and tailoring your content to their needs and interests, you can develop a loyal following and establish credibility within your chosen niche.

Rather than being a generalist, becoming a specialist in a particular area of travel enables you to add value and provide valuable insights and recommendations that resonate deeply with your audience.

Assessing the Popularity of Travel Niches

When it comes to selecting a travel niche, popularity and demand play a significant role in your blog’s success. Starting out analyzing search traffic and trends, you can identify niches that have the potential for growth and engagement.

These are some of the most popular travel niches that have demonstrated significant traffic based on keyword searches and online engagement:

1. Adventure Travel

Adventure travel continues to captivate thrill-seekers around the globe. This travel niche focuses on adrenaline-inducing activities such as hiking, rock climbing, scuba diving, and extreme sports. Sharing personal experiences, tips, and recommendations related to adventure travel is a surefire way to attract an audience hungry for excitement and unique experiences. But you can also focus on a general adventure travel experiences too.

2. Food and Culinary Tourism

Food has the power to connect people and cultures, making food and culinary tourism a highly popular niche for travel bloggers. This niche revolves around exploring local cuisines, uncovering hidden culinary gems, and sharing gastronomic adventures with your audience. From street food to fine dining, food and culinary tourism offers endless opportunities for creating engaging content and satisfying the cravings of food enthusiasts worldwide.

3. Sustainable and Eco-friendly Travel

As sustainability becomes a global priority, sustainable and eco-friendly travel is gaining significant traction. Travelers are seeking ways to minimize their environmental impact, support local communities, and engage in responsible tourism practices. By focusing on this niche, you can provide your audience with valuable insights on eco-friendly accommodations, ethical wildlife experiences, eco-conscious transportation options, and practical tips for reducing the ecological footprint while traveling.

4. Luxury Travel

For those seeking indulgence and opulence on their travels, luxury travel remains a perennially popular niche. This niche revolves around showcasing the world’s most luxurious destinations, resorts, and experiences. By curating content that caters to the affluent traveler, you can provide recommendations on exclusive accommodations, fine dining establishments, VIP access, and unique luxury experiences that create lasting memories.

5. Wildlife and Nature Photography

Nature enthusiasts and aspiring photographers flock to blogs that specialize in wildlife and nature photography. This niche focuses on capturing stunning images of wildlife, landscapes, and natural wonders. By sharing your expertise in wildlife photography techniques, equipment recommendations, and insider tips on locating the best spots for nature photography, you can inspire others to explore the beauty of the natural world and hone their own photography skills.

6. Digital Nomad Travel and Remote Work

The WFH travel niche has grown exponentially since the COVID pandemic, with more people than ever taking off to work from sun kissed locations. While there are plenty of bloggers and vloggers talking about this, there is still plenty of room to focus in this unique and growing niche. The digital nomad travel niche is a good one to focus on if you’re already travelling and working.

7. Niche Sports Travel

The intersection between spots and travel is one that is often underserved, and can actually be quite lucrative. While there are lots of ski and snowboard blogs, there might be potential for travel blogs related to other niche winter pursuits. Or focus on your passion for travelling the world finding the best skateboard, surfing or mountain biking spots for example.

8. Fashion Travel

Another reason to travel for many is the joy of clothes and shopping, and this is an interesting niche. The world of travel fashion can incorporate outfits for specific locations, choosing the best bikini or beachwear, or the best locations for shopping around the world. If you’re a prolific shopper and traveller, this could be a strong and interesting niche with room to grow,

How to Choose Your Travel Niche

Selecting the right travel niche requires careful consideration of various factors. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect niche for your travel blog:

  1. Passion and Personal Interest: Identify your own passions and personal interests within the realm of travel. By selecting a niche that aligns with your genuine interests, you will enjoy the process of creating content and be able to provide valuable insights that resonate with your audience.
  2. Expertise and Unique Perspective: Assess your level of expertise and unique perspective in specific areas of travel. Leverage your personal experiences, specialized knowledge, or professional background to establish yourself as an authority on the chosen niche. Offering a unique perspective sets you apart from competitors and adds credibility to your blog.
  3. Audience Demand and Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to evaluate the demand for different travel niches. Analyze search trends, social media engagement, and existing competition to understand the potential audience size and engagement levels within each niche. Identifying niches with a good balance of popularity and audience demand can increase your chances of success.
  4. Uniqueness and Differentiation: Stand out from the competition by finding a unique angle or sub-niche within your chosen niche. Consider what makes your blog different and how you can provide a fresh perspective or unique content that fills a gap in the market. Differentiation is crucial for attracting and retaining an engaged audience.
  5. Monetization Potential: Assess the monetization potential of your chosen niche. Research potential income streams such as sponsored collaborations, affiliate marketing, product sales, or offering specialized services related to your niche. Understanding the various avenues for monetization can help you develop a sustainable blogging strategy.
  6. Long-term Viability and Trends: Evaluate the long-term viability of your chosen niche. Consider whether it is a passing trend or has the potential to sustain growth and engagement in the future. Look for niches that have proven to withstand the test of time and continue to attract a consistent audience.


Choosing a travel blogging niche is a pivotal step towards establishing a successful and influential blog. By selecting the right niche, you can create focused and impactful content that resonates with an audience looking for specific experiences, knowledge, and recommendations.

Assessing the popularity of various travel niches, considering your passion and expertise, and conducting thorough market research will lay the foundation for a compelling and authoritative travel blog.

Be more than just a travel blogger. By focusing on your interest you can stand out, grow faster and even improve the monetisation of your travel blog.

About Gesten van der Post

Expert content writer and SEO manager.

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