Building a Legacy of Helping People  

Brazilian businessman Patrick Lucchese has built quite a legacy based on helping both small companies and individuals. He has spent a lot of his business life helping smaller businesses to make essential plans for their initial public offers and to execute them successfully. However, there are also many individuals that he has stepped in to help.

A Southern Brazil Favela

Patrick Lucchese says that the best legacy that a person can leave behind is one of helping people. He seeks to help people who are at different levels of their lives. He has been an enormous help to many entrepreneurs who began with nothing and have built a business that employs people. He sees the value in helping them to take their business further. He also sees the value in helping people who are still at the dream stage and want to build this type of business. A successful business benefits a community, and community improvement is highly important.

He has spent several years helping the poorest areas of Porto Alegre, a city in Brazil, by donating both his money and his time. He sees the enormous benefit of helping people to have successful businesses that grow and thrive. However, he also feels that it’s important to help people by getting them the medications, food, and blankets they need in the moment. He wants to help people to get from having nothing to having a better life that is away from the poverty they came from.

He wants to leave a legacy much as his father did. His father, a heart surgeon, is a hospital director who was known for the many people he helped with free surgery. He has always stressed performing social work, and this has inspired Patrick Lucchese to give back in any way that he can. He also wants to inspire the next generation of helpers by inspiring his own kids to see that success means helping people in a number of ways.

He has long worked to help those who live in a specific favela in Porto Alegre called Vila dos Papeleiros. He provides sponsorship to 20 families in this underprivileged neighborhood by making sure they have food throughout the year. He also makes sure that the community gets almost 300 blankets a year. The families use them in the winter and then sell them in the summer for the extra money they need. He walks with the people during food pickups and finds out when there are those who need extra help. It’s through these efforts that he truly leaves behind a solid legacy.

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